Friday, May 10, 2013

Tiny Person

                                Tiny Person

        This  is  a  story  about  a  young  boy.  He  was so small he could  fit  in  a  mouse   hole.  He didn't have a name yet when he was 11.  He was searching for a name, so he went to war.
        He  worked  with   the   army.  He   scared   the  horses   of the enemies, with  his  mouse  friends . By winning the war, he earned a magic sword.  The sword could be a full size sword, but it was light, so the little boy could hold it.  It helped win all the wars.  By winning the war he got a name. 
        Later,  everybody  called  him  Spear, and  he got to  lead  the  army.
                                                The End

By: Ashton

1 comment:

  1. 11 years old and no name! Poor kid! Sounds like he was a good warrior though, way to go Spear. And way to go Ashton on the story!
