Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Deer Family

                         The Deer Family

            What  are  the  different  kinds  of   deer?  In  Europe,  there  are  roe  deer,  and fallow deer.  In North America there are white tail deer, black tail deer and mule deer. Also, there are moose and elk.  In the north there are caribou.
            Most  male  deer  are  called  bucks. Females are called does.  Moose,  elk  and  caribou  males  are  called  bulls.  Females   are  called cows, and babies are called calves.
            Male deer grow antlers every year.  They take four to five months to grow.  They fall off after six or seven months.  A moose's antlers can be eighty pounds! Having big, nice looking antlers may attract females. 
            Deer  are  amazing  animals.  They  are  neat  to  watch  and  fun  to  learn  about.

By: Ashton