Monday, September 24, 2012


This is what my Curriculum said to do for Social Studies. Ask the student to imagine that a colony of creatures from space landed on earth, and immediately began tearing down neighborhoods and cities. The creatures made it clear that they needed to do this in order to esablish a settlement for thier families. They were unhappy on their planet and hoped to find freedom on this planet. Have the student write about how the people of earth can react.
This is my story. It is from the point of view of a girl from the town, and this is her journal entry.
June 15, 1987
                    Today we finally decided to let the aliens stay, and live in our town.  We had a big meeting, and this is how it went.  Mayor  Brigams started the meeting with his speech, which by the way was very long.  His speech was about how the aliens came to earth and blah blah blah.  Then we talked about living with the aliens.  One person said "we could teach them the way of our life and they could teach us the way of theirs,"  "It would be a great learning experience," claimed another person.  Then my father, my own father stood up and yelled "it would ruin our way of life!"  Finally Mayor Brigams made my father and the other person stop yelling at each other.  Then we decided to have a vote. 60 out of 100 people decided to let the aliens stay. So we let them stay and it's been fine so far and I even made a friend; her name is Loazia. Just don't tell my father. ;)
                                                                      Done by Ella


  1. So instead of Cowboys vs Aliens it was Dad vs Aliens :) We won't tell him about the friend! He,he,he...cute story.
