Sunday, November 18, 2012


 I like math because it's fun. I am learning how to write numbers in the hundred thousands place. And reading numbers. 

Done by Ashton

National Parks

This is a worksheet I did in Social Studies. We looked up several National Parks. One of them was the Everglades. The Everglades are in Florida.
I liked the Everglades because it looked like there was a lot of interesting stuff there. There are snakes and alligators. I want to go see the Everglades sometime.
This is one of the alligators in the Everglades.
                                              This is a python.
                                                   This is another National Park I thought was neat. It is the Petrified Forest in Arizona. I thought these pictures looked cool.

 I think it would be fun to go here someday.
Done by Aaron

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Do Plants need Light?

In Science I grew two watermelon plants in a cup. I did this because I was supposed to see if plants need light. I put one cup in a cupboard, and labeled it "dark". I put the other cup on a windowsill and labeled it "light". So do plants need light?
Apparently not because they both grew. :)
But the one in the dark turned yellow and will not turn into a watermelon.
The one in the dark also grew mold.

This is the one in the light. 

It grew good and did not turn yellow. So if it wasn't winter it probably would grow into a watermelon. So yes, plants do need light. Sort of.

Done by Ella

Sunday, November 11, 2012


        On Thursday I made cookies and cinnamon rolls!
In Achievement Days we made cinnamon rolls.

Yum :)
I also made cookies before Achievement Days. All by myself. (My mom was down stairs the whole time.)

This is how they turned out. (also yum) :) I did a lot of cooking that day. But it was so fun.
By Ella

Oil Spills

In Science I've been studying about pollution. Oil spills are a kind of pollution that can happen in the ocean.
This is a beach that had oil washed up on it.
This is an oil spill in the middle of the ocean. There is a fire in the oil. Look how much the oil spreads.
 This is a bird that was affected by an oil spill. Animals can be hurt, and killed in oil spills. This bird can not fly.
I want to help stop pollution. If there is trash on our beach I will pick up the trash.
by Aaron

Friday, November 2, 2012

Floating in salt water

In Science we did an experiment about putting salt in water and seeing if a piece of crayon would float. We also tried it in drinking water to see if it would float or sink.
cup of water- we put the salt in the water

In the salt water the crayon floated, because there was a lot of salt in it. The salt made the water dense.

The crayon sank in drinking water because there was no salt to hold it up.
We've been studying that the ocean is salty.
Done by: Ashton


I've been studying maps in Social Studies and Science.  In Social Studies we learned about continents.  There are 7 continents. These are the continents: North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica. 
In Science we've been studying oceans.  There are 4 oceans.  These are the Oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Indian.
When we went to California we went to the Pacific ocean.We played in big waves. I think it's fun to study maps.
done by: Aaron

Once Upon Two Evil Cats

In Language I wrote a story from this picture, called: Once Upon Two Evil Cats. This is my story,
   Once upon a time there was two evil cats they hated black cats.  They were walking down an ally way when they saw one.  It was disco dancing.  Even though they hated black cats they loved his moves.  So they went up to talk to him.  "Hi," said one of the evil cats.  "Hey," said the black cat.  "How do you do those cool moves?" asked the other evil cat.  "Easy," said the black cat.  "I'll teach you if you want," he said again.  "Ya!!"  said both the evil cats.  So the black cat taught the evil cats how to disco dance, they became great friends and a great team, and the evil cats never hated black cats again.
done by: Ella