Monday, January 13, 2014

Labor Unions

Labor Unions
          Labor Unions started in 1955.  A Labor Union is an organized group of workers that have certain benefits.  Labor Unions are formed to lengthen the companies rights, or interests.
         Some examples of major Labor Unions then are, The American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Congress of  Industrial Organization (CIO).  Some examples of Labor Unions today are, Farm Workers, Pilots, Actors, Firemen, Warehouse, Hotels, Food, and Construction.
         Some benefits that unionized workers have are, that they get extra vacation time, they get more plentiful health benefits, and they are more likely to get paid leave.
         My opinion on Labor Unions is that they started good and helped people, but now the government has to much interference.  Some examples of this that my dad shared are, "they make huge political donations to the party that will give them what they want and they threaten to withhold their support to political candidates unless they will further their agendas" My dad adds,  "to belong to a union people have to pay union dues, these used to go to help the workers and now they are mostly to fund the political machine and make the union bosses wealthy".

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